Major Kong rides the bomb Found art with computer doodles. Some kind of paper clip-sized piece of "junk" metal next to a pebble on the sidewalk...or Major Kong riding a bomb next to a nuclear explosion...or any other number of things.#AmyBoetcher #PricelessPennnies #foundart #MajorKongridesthebomb #DrStrangelove #B52Stratofortress #SlimPickens #Pickensquantitiesofenergy #fromrelativelysmallamountsofmatter #paperclippebbletransmogrification
Found art with computer doodles. Some kind of paper clip-sized piece of "junk" metal next to a pebble on the sidewalk...or Major Kong riding a bomb next to a nuclear explosion...or any other number of things.#AmyBoetcher #PricelessPennnies #foundart #MajorKongridesthebomb #DrStrangelove #B52Stratofortress #SlimPickens #Pickensquantitiesofenergy #fromrelativelysmallamountsofmatter #paperclippebbletransmogrification