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The Side of the Jar Promised “Irresistible Peanut Butter Cookies”

The best taste of Jif Creamy Peanut Butter

is always the first one. Breaking this

light brown substances should never be done

with a knife, spread on toast or celery sticks,

but with the finger of the person eating it.

Peanut butter never tastes as good

on anything as it does on skin. It’s unknown

as to why, but it’s as perfect as

peanut butter ever gets.

Maybe it has something to do with the natural oils

on fingertips. The oilsthat the middle-aged,

ex-actress named Candice (who used to teach

acting classes to kids ages 7-13 at the rec

center in Dublin, Ohio) used to talk about.

She’d warn against touching the

curtains because the oils would discolor

them. Sometimes, her booming voice scared

the little kids, but she never failed to whisper

their lines when they got stage fright at a performance.

Years later those kids would be in college. One would

remember Candice after breaking

into a new, Costco-sized Jif Creamy Peanut Butter bought to

make cookies meant for Japanese exchange students.

These exchange students were fascinated with America’s

obsession for the stuff. Theyate a huge batch thankfully,

even though they were worried about carrying

the oils on their fingertips, the way Candice had been.

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